The Gwa’Sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nations (GNN) treaty table is in Stage 5 Negotiation to Finalize a Treaty.
Gwa’Sala-’Nakwaxda’xw traditional territory is located on the BC mainland across from the northern tip of Vancouver Island. Many reside at the Tsulquate reserve where the community was relocated half a century ago. There are approximately 1,085 Gwa’Sala-’Nakwaxda’xw members.
Gwa’Sala-’Nakwaxda’xw has overlapping and/or shared territory with its First Nation neighbours: Kwicksutaineuk, Kwa-wa-aineuk, Kwakiutl, ’Namgis, Tlatlasikwala, Dzawada’enuxw, and Wuikinuxv.
For an update on the table please refer to our latest annual report.