Eligibility and Enrolment (E&E) Roundtable (August 28, 2023)
A one-day virtual session hosted by the BC Treaty Commission.
The Eligibility and Enrolment Roundtable was a one-day virtual session where presenters and participants share their experiences and insights related to E&E – a critical aspect of ratification and the treaty negotiations process.
Speakers reiterated the critical role E&E plays in building capacity, nationhood, and its significance in shaping the First Nations’ self-determination and self-government. As First Nations progress and advance negotiations, the lessons learned and knowledge shared in this session will undoubtedly contribute to ongoing successes as more First Nations navigate the complexities of E&E.
Opening Remarks and Welcome IntroductionÂ
- Opening Remarks by Chief Commissioner Celeste Haldane
- Welcome Introduction by Commissioner Angela Wesley
Panel 1: Government Interests and Objectives – Michael Horvath (Policy) and Gerald Chan (Finance)
- What is E&E?
- Key Processes
- Timelines and Funding
Panel 2: Preparing the team and community – David Try (Kitselas), Ashley Wright (Ashley Wright Consulting / K’Ăłmoks), and Coral Mackay (K’Ăłmoks)
Video and Kitselas PDF Presentation and K’Ăłmoks PDF PresentationÂ
- Building the E&E team – what does the team look like, where do you find them?
- Getting started – work planning, training and preparing for outreach and enrolment
- Engaging with citizens and community
- Data Management
Panel 3: Sharing the Experiences – Modern Treaty Nations – Kwuntiltunaat – Kim Baird and Chemkwaat – Valerie Cross (Tsawwassen), and Grace Adams (Tla’amin) Â
Video and Tsawwassen PDF Presentation
- Selecting the Team
- Engaging Citizens (At home away from home, Elders, Youth, Middle Age)
- What Worked … What Did Not Work!?
- Communications and Misinformation
- Challenges and Delays
- Leadership and Operationalization Perspectives
- Technology and Database Creation
Questions, Answers, and Discussions